Reversible Dragonflight Bag Pattern

Dragonflight BagDragonflight Bag

Dragonflight Bag

Reversible Dragonflight Bag Pattern

The Reversible Dragonflight Bag is a double knit bag with a reinforced base and two handles. It features a beautiful flying dragon on either side and a spiral design on the ends. It works great as a project bag or for whatever you want to carry. Depending on your mood, you can turn it inside out to reverse the color scheme for a new look!

The finished size is approximately 10.5” by 11” by 3.5” (26.7 by 27.9 by 8.9 cm), not including the handles.

This pattern includes full instructions for double knitting, so it’s a great project for anyone without previous double knitting experience.

View more details about the pattern here or buy it now on Ravelry or Etsy.

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